HAJIME (Ryosuke Yamada), the grandson of the prestigious Kindaichi Detective and his childhood friend, MIYUKI (Haruna Kawaguchi) arrive in Hong Kong so Miyuki can participate in a fashion show as a fill-in for Yang Ran, a model gone missing. While the friends are sightseeing, Miyuki is suddenly abducted. Hajime soon finds out that Yang and Miyuki are exact look alikes and that Yang has a tattoo, signifying the location of the "Kowloon Treasure"--rumored to be worth billions of money and guarded by a man known as the "Kowloon Emperor". Was Miyuki mistakenly kidnapped instead of Yang? In his search to rescue Miyuki, Hajime is drawn into a string of murders connected to the treasure which has been lost for two decades.... What is the truth behind the mysterious treasure and will Hajime be able to save Miyuki...alive?